Interior Wall Framing

August 4, 2009
After completing essentially all of the exterior sheathing, the carpenters started to build the first interior walls. These photos show the north double wall, which is 16 inches thick from outer studs to inner studs. This space will be filled with 16″ of dense-pack cellulose insulation for an insulating value of R-60.

In the photos above you can see a large opening in the inner wall around the window. This will allow for flared window openings to let as much light into the bedrooms as possible, with a built-in bookshelf below. Here’s the design for the window well framing and approximately how it will look when it’s finished:

August 6, 2009
This photo shows the walls that will surround the 2500-gallon heat storage tank on the right, and the mechanical room on the left. The boards on the floor mark out where the hallway will be, with two bedroom doors to the right.

Here’s a view looking down through the middle of the 16-inch-wide north double wall. On the right is the exterior wall, and on the left are the interior studs. This whole space will get filled with cellulose insulation. On the bottom you can see the 6 inches of foam insulation that separates the heated interior floor slab on the left from the cold exterior foundation wall on the right.

August 7, 2009
The interior wall framing is nearly complete in the main house. The first photo below shows the front (south) walls of the two bathrooms. You can see the wide openings at the tops of these walls, which will be for daylighting windows that will let daylight into the bathrooms through the entry and kitchen since these bathrooms don’t have exterior windows. The second photo below shows the “nook” that is on the north wall of the living room next to the wood stove. It is just big enough to hold a day bed, so it provides extra living room seating during the day and an optional guest sleeping area at night.

August 10, 2009
The carpenters framed the interior walls of the entryway. The first photo below shows the 16-inch double wall on the south of the entryway. Through the window on the left you can just see the cottage porch, and the front door is on the right of the photo. The second photo shows the framing for the 48″ octagon window in the entryway, which will provide a view of the garden as one enters through the front door. Underneath the window will be a bench with storage for shoes and boots.

August 12, 2009
The carpenters began framing the interior walls of the cottage, starting with the interior half of each double outside wall.

The first photo below shows the double wall on the south side of the cottage dining room, and the second shows the north side of the dining room.

August 18, 2009
Now that the cottage roof sheathing is on, here’s how it looks inside. The first photo is of the sunporch viewed from the dining room looking southeast, and the second photo is looking north inside the vaulted ceiling of the cottage great room.

September 1, 2009
The walls of the main house kitchen are now framed in. The first photo below shows the view looking east as you enter the house, with the kitchen on the left and the dining room on the right. The interior window in the kitchen wall is over the sink (on the other side of the wall in this view), and it will hold an antique leaded glass window that we have had for many years. The second photo is looking west from the living room toward the kitchen.

September 17, 2009
Dan built an arch over the nook on the north side of the living room, where the day bed will go. Compare with the photo from August 7, above.